Hearing Loss Symptoms blog

Understanding Your Hearing Loss Symptoms


Hearing loss occurs gradually as one starts to age. Another cause of hearing loss is exposure to loud noise. Some symptoms indicate you are experiencing hearing loss, and you as an individual need to understand these symptoms. When you experience the symptoms, it is essential to book an appointment with an audiologist to get your hearing test and know the way forward.

Symptoms of Hearing Loss Include:

  • Difficulty understanding words, especially in noisy areas.
  • Frequently asking people to repeat themselves.
  • The need to turn the TV or radio volume up, which is too loud for others.
  • Withdrawal from the conversation because you can't hear what they are saying.
  • Feeling that you can listen to what is being said, but you can't understand.
  • Difficulty hearing people on the phone.
  • Experiencing tinnitus or ringing in the ear.
  • Some sounds seem too loud for you.
  • Experiencing listening fatigue.
  • High pitched and low pitched sounds become hard to hear.
  • One side of your ear can’t hear at all.

The Three Types of Hearing Loss Include:

  • Conductive hearing loss
  • Sensorineural hearing loss
  • Mixed hearing loss

The ear is made up of three parts; the outer, middle and inner ear. Hearing loss can affect one or all the parts.

Conductive hearing loss happens when sound cannot get through the outer and middle ear. As a result, it is hard to hear soft sounds, and louder sounds are muffled. It is often fixed with medicine or surgery.

Sensorineural hearing loss is when the inner ear is damaged. It is the most common permanent hearing loss.

Mixed hearing loss is when both conductive and sensorineural hearing loss happens together. As a result, the outer, middle and inner ears are damaged.

Risk Factors Include:

  • Being over 60 years of age. This is when age-related hearing loss is likely to occur.
  • Exposure to excessive and loud noise.

If you think you are suffering from some form of hearing loss, book an appointment at one of the Attune clinics near you to get a hearing test. Visit our website or contact us for more information on hearing loss.